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Big Change is Coming: Ohio Child Support Laws

change coming

You have financial and legal responsibilities to your child. It doesn't matter if you and the other parent are married.

This will remain true until the child is an adult, which is when he or she reaches age 18 in the United States.

Even if a parent does not want any parental rights he or she will still have responsibilities. A parent must make sure the child’s basic needs are being met.

Child support ensures the child has food, water, clothing, shelter, and so forth. If a married couple gets divorced, the goal is for the child's standard of living to stay the same. Or at least as close as possible to the same.


In Ohio, how child support is being calculated is changing based on new data. The Ohio Department of Job and Family Services is making updates to its child support laws for the first time since 1992.  

These updates will go into effect in March of 2019.  Learn more about these laws and how you’ll be affected.

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What's the CSEA?

What's the CSEA?


Parents have a responsibility to support their children. Obtaining child support is important for many reasons, which is why the Child Support Enforcement Agency was created. Although this agency was established by the federal government, each state is required to have its separate unit to administer a child support program.

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Delaware, OH 43015

(740) 369-7567