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Which One Is Right For You?
The number one way to terminate a marriage is through dissolution.
Dissolution is simply a written agreement between the two spouses that covers all the issues of the case. The contract is called a separation agreement.
Normally, dissolution is the most affordable way to end a marriage. The parties agree on everything for the court to grant a dissolution.
Dissolutions are usually the quickest. This kind of agreement keeps more money in your wallet by keeping attorney fees at a minimum.
Once the parties have reached an agreement on all the issues, have signed off on the paperwork and filed the paperwork with the court, your dissolution can be completed. Case over, typically in 30 to 90 days!
On the other hand, divorce cases can take anywhere from six to 18 months to complete. Sometimes more if the divorce is complex or especially messy.
Most counties allow the dissolution hearing to be done by a private judge. With a private judge, dissolution hearings are done right here at the office!
No security lines to wait on, no parking downtown to deal with, no stressful trips to the courthouse, no real waiting in line with many others for the court to hear your case. And, neither side has to admit that they caused the divorce.
The court will just dissolve the marriage according to the terms of the contract (separation agreement). And you’re done!
The number one way to end a marriage if you cannot agree is a divorce.
One party is called the plaintiff (the person filing first) and one person is the defendant. One spouse sues the other spouse-this is called a lawsuit. This lawsuit is no different than any other lawsuit.
There are three basic reasons why dissolution will not work for some individuals and, therefore, they will have to file for a divorce. They are:
Violence, bullying or abuse in the home. If one spouse exhibits violence, bullying behavior or abuse, the right thing to do is for the other spouse to file for a divorce.
The court system has a way of trying to level the playing field between the two spouses and for people in these situations; divorce is the way to go.
No communication. If one spouse refuses to talk about how the couple is going to divide the assets and liabilities or refuses to discuss issues regarding the children, then the other spouse should not wait and hope for change.
The good news about divorce is that it will force the hand of the other spouse to react and get serious about terminating the marriage.
Refusal by one party to acknowledge that half of everything belongs to the other spouse.Legal Separation
In a legal separation, the legal process is the same. All assets and liabilities are divided, discovery is conducted, hearings are conducted and the court awards a division of property based on equitable distribution.
However, at the end of the day, you are still married. But, if you want to stay on the other’s health insurance for example, and yet want to remain separate and apart this might be the solution.
Going through the process of divorce can be a very emotional time causing you to become extremely overwhelmed. This process can take a toll on the adults as well as the children involved.
A recent article lays out several useful tips for those facing divorce.
Children are part of the divorce process and they often get caught in the middle. Parents may believe the actions they’re doing will benefit their kids, but having a “get you back” attitude, children can be used as leverage against the other parent.
Parents should avoid splitting marital assets and making a parenting plan at the same time. To get a rational decision, the goal is to focus on one thing at a time.
While it may be obvious that both parties have moved and are over each other, a third party is the last thing the divorce needs. Reactive behavior sparked by a third party can make this process more complex than it already is.
Be sure to leave space between your soon to be “ex” and your new.
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Jack’s Law Office
305 S Sandusky St
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 369-7567