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** URGENT COVID-19 - WE'RE STILL OPEN *** Please click here for updates.
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According to a recent Huffington Post article, NYU sociologists suggest that a man’s height – yes, height! – might have an impact on his marital statu...
Early September is symbolic of many things including the close of the summer season and, of course, kids going back to school. I bet you’ve seen the iconic school buses (or maybe even been stuck behind them).
You probably braved the back-to-school sales to stock up on supplies, new clothes, and all else that comes with the start of a new school year. That is the fun part. But what about the tough parts that you may remember as a child…
Who gets the house? A very complex question in most divorce cases. This question usually brings about a problem. Either both parties want to keep the ...
Many women facing divorce have to come to a frustrating realization. They will probably have to get a job. If they are already working, they might hav...
Getting a divorce in Ohio? To get the best outcome, you must prepare. Here are 13 steps you should take to be ready for your divorce trial:
The important points the attorney will be looking for are when you were married, how long you have been married, what happened during the marriage, what did not happen during the marriage, your income and employment situation, the children and why you are in the situation you are in.
At Jack’s Law Office, we need to know your questions first.
Take a list of questions to the divorce attorney’s office and check off the questions as you ask them. Note closely the divorce attorney answers. Below are 6 great questions to ask an attorney when you first meet him or her.
My attorney says I need to be available for depositions. What does that mean? A deposition is an interview under oath that takes place outside of cour...
Jack’s Law Office
305 S Sandusky St
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 369-7567