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Youth Sport is the vehicle for this much-needed education, and the NFL and MLB Should be a sponsor. Today, the NFL released a mandate for increased awareness and EDUCATION as relates to domestic violence and NFL teams.'
Really. I DO NOT AGREE. Greg Hardy, Carolina Panthers, Ray Rice Baltimore Ravens, Jonathan Dwyer Arizona Cardinals, Adrian Peterson, Minnesota Vikings. Do I have to say anymore? What is the answer? Here is an idea.
As we all know, youth sport participation is at an all-time high as far as numbers. With the growth of soccer and lacrosse and the popularity of sports like Little League Baseball in Williamsport, travel leagues all over the country and AAU, we as youth coaches have a remarkable opportunity. That opportunity is in the national news every day about the NFL players above.
I say, open the closet, get out the broom and sweep these issues to the FRONT of our youth programs. Get them on the table. Sit down and talk. And if, like me, you don't know what to think, get educated. That's easy today. There are articles all over the internet. And since, there is no doubt that these two social issues are a huge part of the "jock" culture-what a great place to start.
The jock culture, no doubt, needs to be changed-children should be encouraged to compete and to push each other to their limits, but a very defined line, regarding how we treat one another-both physically, with our words and all of our actions need to be addressed. I recently attended one of those seminars for lawyers. It was terrific.
These are some of the highlights of what I learned above. So in a sense NO, the NFL is not getting this one right-they should start an immediate DEPARTMENT set up to expose, investigate, research, educate every young boy that wants to pass, run, tackle, kick that weird shaped ball around. I think I am going to write the Commissioner-I am so fired up. Both Commissioners.
Lately, it has been a whirlwind. This past week I had a full-fledged trial for my client. Yes, we do have trials. Just not like the ones you see on tv, but just as stressful. The good news: I turned part of my office building into a courtroom and we prepared hard for what was and was not going to happen. Practicing direct and cross-examination was extremely helpful for my client as she was the star of the show and this doesn't happen in just meeting-try hours and days.
Knowing what to do with an exhibit notebook of 66 exhibits was critical and impressive to the court. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you the result yet because when you have a divorce trial in Ohio, two things most people do not understand happen: 1. there is NO jury-just the Judge or in Delaware-a Magistrate; and 2. It takes 3-6 months normally to get a written decision from the Judge or Magistrate about what the result is...(This Magistrate informed us that we were his 4th trial in the last couple weeks so...)
Anyway, it is a delicate balance you play as an attorney between preparing for settlement negotiations (90% of the cases do settle out of court) and preparing for trial. In the end, you have to prepare for both. (Now does that help explain why legal services can cost so much-you still get what you pay for in life-to al large part)
This past summer there was a real-life movie production at a huge warehouse off Rt 16 just outside of Granville. Well, long story short, today I toured this massive structure with the vision of where and how my baseball academy could work. All I can say is -UNREAL. Batting cages, pitching mounds, long toss areas, offices-all right next to each other. A shout out goes to Clint and Tami Cox who has been working feverishly to transfer their "TAD" business into a new place and have asked that I join them.
It looks like a lot of fun, and an opportunity for all the workouts and education you could imagine. Look for more information soon. But if you cannot wait, call my cell at 740 815-9001 and let's talk. (can I be more direct Eric Winters?)I am looking for netting, machines, etc. and manpower (teachers of baseball), database inputs and other young (or old like me) people who want to, without hesitation, (WORK) or learn how to work. Either one. Let me give you a tour of the indoor "stadium".
As Don Schaly, famous Marietta coach who most certainly influenced by coaching-after he trounced us the first couple years. "Hey, Jack, how about sticking around for another game and you and I will pitch?"
Well done to Andrea Smith with her 10-minute presentation. Who would have known Andrea to be driving trucks, figuring out how to take things apart and put them back together in the National Guard, engineering, and now as the "Queen" of organizers, self-employed, loving it and making a profit! Way to go.
Many years ago, I had a very ill client who had introduced me to "hoarders" ailment. Incredible. We could have used Andrea in our case. If you or someone you know wants to eliminate those piles and stacks, no matter how small or big, give Andrea a call at 740-334-1928. Lastly, If you have a legal question, pick up the phone and call me at 740 369-7567. We love to help people solve problems.
That is what we do. In closing, let's remember Robin Williams AND THE BIG ISSUE OF MENTAL HEALTH, let's make a difference in the lives of our family members, our friends, our clients, and customers and let us truly remember. . . Jack's Law Office: "Any Lawyer Can Give You Legal Advice, Our Goal is to Change Your life." P.S. "With offices in Polaris, Delaware, New Albany, Dublin and Granville" “Personal referrals are the lifeblood of our business, we would appreciate a referral to family and friends. ” P.S.S.S. What kind of attorney is Jack anyway?
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Jack’s Law Office
305 S Sandusky St
Delaware, OH 43015
(740) 369-7567