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How a Subpoena Can Change Child Support [Video]

How a Subpoena Can Change Child Support [Video]

Do you need more child support? Do you suspect that your spouse may be hiding money from you? Can you increase your child support?

Jack is an Ohio family law attorney. In this video, he explains how to use a subpoena to increase child support payments.

VIDEO: Subpoena Power to Increase Child Support


Worried about how much it will cost to settle your case?

Take the guesswork out of divorce fees. Click here to learn more.

Number One Thing Magistrates or Judges Do NOT Want...
What is Local Rule Visitation? [Video]

By appointment only

Delaware, OH

Columbus, OH

Dublin, OH

Granville, OH

Jack’s Law Office

305 S Sandusky St

Delaware, OH 43015

(740) 369-7567