By Jack Carney-DeBord on Wednesday, 30 October 2019
Category: Divorce

Your Attorney Can Fire You in your Divorce Case: What NOT to do!

Even if you're happy with your divorce attorney, the feeling may not be mutual

If you do certain things that your attorney does not like, then he or she might fire you. If your attorney fires you, you could suddenly be left in a bad situation with an approaching hearing or trial and no representation.

Here is how to prevent getting canned by your lawyer...

Don’t do anything illegal

If you do something that's against Ohio law, such as steal your soon to be ex-spouse’s car, or assault him or her, then your attorney may fire you as a client.

It is simply much easier for attorneys to work with you if you do not do anything illegal, so don’t!

Don't fail to pay your fees per your contract

Pay your attorney according to your agreement unless he or she is working for "pro bono" (for free).

If you fail to make payments on time, then your attorney could fire you as a client. So, if you value your attorney, make your payments on time.

Don’t lie

Some attorneys will be very frustrated if you lie about key details of your case. When you lie, it makes an attorney’s job more difficult.

You should think of your attorney as your partner. Tell him or her the truth so that he or she can represent you in the best way possible.

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Don't fail to cooperate-get your discovery done

Franklin and Delaware County divorce courts have a timeline you must follow. "Discovery" is one of the most important.

If you fail to cooperate with your attorney to get your discovery done, then he or she may fire you.

Attorneys are busy people. Do not waste their time. Show them respect and cooperate with them.

Don't call text or email too frequently

Your attorney is not your therapist, your best friend, or your boyfriend or girlfriend.

Do not expect them to be available to you at all times. They have lives too.

If you need constant support, then consider finding a therapist who you can pay to be on call for you 24/7. Also, seek support from friends and family members.

Don’t fail to respect that your attorney has other cases

Most divorce attorneys are juggling many different cases.

You are most likely not your attorney’s only case. Respect this fact.

Don't be belligerent

Being belligerent to your attorney grounds for your attorney to fire you. Also be respectful to the judge, to your ex-spouse, etc. if you want to stay on good terms with your attorney.

Don't use foul language

Attorneys expect you to treat them with a basic level of respect. If you fail to do this, you could soon find yourself getting fired by your attorney.

Don't use foul language

Attorneys expect you to treat them with a basic level of respect. If you fail to do this, you could soon find yourself without an attorney.

Don't come drunk to court

This is one of the easiest ways to get fired by your attorney. Coming to court drunk is not only disrespectful, but it is also embarrassing. Most attorneys will not stand for this and will move on. 

Don't be abusive

Just like coming to court drunk, being abusive is something that most attorneys just won’t deal with this. Avoid being abusive.


In the relationship between you and your attorney, firing is a two-way street. You can fire your attorney, but your attorney can also fire you!

Both of you should act with good faith and respect toward one another.


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