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What's the CSEA?

What's the CSEA?


Parents have a responsibility to support their children. Obtaining child support is important for many reasons, which is why the Child Support Enforcement Agency was created. Although this agency was established by the federal government, each state is required to have its separate unit to administer a child support program.

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Seven Child Custody Myths [Debunked]

Two children playing with cell phones

  When it comes to divorce, child custody issues are usually emotional and sometimes become contentious. Unfortunately, this can mean that parent...

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Helping Children in Blended Families


According to the Pew Research Center, in 2013, four out of ten new marriages included one partner who had been married before, and two out of every ten new marriages were between people who had both been previously married. In many of these marriages, children from previous relationships are involved.

Creating a blended family means everyone’s roles shift. It may take time for one family to get used to living with another one, even if they all got along before.

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The Ways Children of Divorce Love Differently

The Ways Children of Divorce Love Differently

Even the experts have trouble agreeing, but the divorce rate for first marriages is believed to be between 36% and 42%.

As a Family Law Attorney, I see families at all of the different stages of the divorce process. Ending an unsatisfactory relationship isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there is denying that it affects every family member.

During the divorce, parents must act responsibly—make children feel involved in key decisions throughout the process and not expose children to adult disagreements. Uncertainty about the future and being exposed to the constant conflict are what’s most damaging for children, not the fact of divorce itself.

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The Complicated Issue of Child Custody

The Complicated Issue of Child Custody

One Size Doesn't Fit All

Child custody cases can be the most difficult ones in Family Law court. The “best interests” standard comes before the courts in all sorts of ways. these include divorce, dissolution, legal separation, juvenile custody, post-decree modifications, and step-parent adoptions to name a few.

Emotions are sky-high, battle lines are drawn and there is no holding back.

Child custody decisions are some of the hardest ones parents will ever make. They are also among the most important.

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Ten New Year Resolutions for Divorced Parents

Ten New Year Resolutions for Divorced Parents

January is the time to make resolutions for the New Year. But as anyone with a health club membership can tell you, most people give up these resolutions by mid-February.

When it comes to your children, however, it’s important to resolutions that last. Newly divorced parents can and should learn from the mistakes of others.

The resolutions below will help you avoid these mistakes and create situations that will help instead of hurt your children. 

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Three Labels Used in Child Custody Cases [Video]

Three Labels Used in Child Custody Cases [Video]

Ohio Divorce Lawyer Explains How Divorce Cases Work VIDEO: 3 Labels That Define The Relationship Worried about how much it will cost to settle your ca...

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9 Factors in Child Support in Ohio: What You Need To Know

dad and son

A CNN Money article reported that as of 2009, over $100 billion was owed in unpaid child support payments. For lower-income mothers receiving child support, the child support payments accounted for almost one-half of their total income.

When payments are not made by the other parent, mothers have no choice but to seek public assistance for themselves and their children. The problem has continued to grow as more parents never marry, separate or divorce and the need for child support increases.

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Parents Going Thru Divorce: 7 Tips for Back-to-School Challenges of Youngsters

Parents Going Thru Divorce: 7 Tips for Back-to-School Challenges of Youngsters

Early September is symbolic of many things including the close of the summer season and, of course, kids going back to school. I bet you’ve seen the iconic school buses (or maybe even been stuck behind them).

You probably braved the back-to-school sales to stock up on supplies, new clothes, and all else that comes with the start of a new school year. That is the fun part. But what about the tough parts that you may remember as a child…

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Delaware Juvenile Custody Visitation Forms Can Now Be Done Online

delaware county court building

Delaware Juvenile Court makes forms available for domestic relations cases. 

These custody, support and visitation cases take place when the parties are not married. If the parties are married the parties must go to Common Pleas Court Domestic Relations to deal with custody, support and visitation issues.

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I'm a Single Mother and the State Took My Kids [Video]

I'm a Single Mother and the State Took My Kids [Video]

Ohio divorce lawyer Jack Carney-DeBord describes a case where he represented a single mother who had been threatened by the state about custody of her kids. Find out what happened...

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My Spouse Left and Took the Kids [Video]

You'll love the ending of this story.

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How a Subpoena Can Change Child Support [Video]

How a Subpoena Can Change Child Support [Video]

Do you need more child support? Do you suspect that your spouse may be hiding money from you? Can you increase your child support?

Jack is an Ohio family law attorney. In this video, he explains how to use a subpoena to increase child support payments.

VIDEO: Subpoena Power to Increase Child Support

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What is Local Rule Visitation? [Video]

What is Local Rule Visitation? [Video]

Many divorce cases involve children. If you are getting a divorce and have children, you should know what local rule visitation is. Ohio Family Law Attorney Jack Carney-DeBord defines local rule visitation in this short video.

VIDEO: What is Local Rule Visitation?

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305 S Sandusky St

Delaware, OH 43015

(740) 369-7567